
SAFEVIA is a Portuguese company specialized in Engineering Project Consultancy, providing the most advanced knowledge in railway projects.

Our work leads to the optimization and rationalization of solutions in all the phases of development and operation of a rail project.

Our strategy is based on a continuous updating of the knowledge, developments and technical innovation in the railway area around the world.

To that end we remain in constant contact and exchange with universities, research centers and companies that are at the forefront of technical development in railways.

We participate in various national and international forums, particularly in APNCF (Association for Standardization and Certification in Railways) and CEN (European Committee for Standardization), where we hold the presidency of the Sub- Committee Standards Track, CEN/TC256/SC1.

SAFEVIA has a permanent staff of technical consultants, and a number of domestic and foreign consultants who collaborate with us, providing highly specialized consulting for design and technical support.

The technical advisers and collaborators of SAFEVIA have extensive experience in their technical specialties, and in the integration of multidisciplinary teams for developing major rail projects.

SAFEVIA has a solid international experience, with work carried out in Portugal, Brazil and Algeria.